Il Blog di Etoren

Why Google Android Is Going to Lead the Smartphone User Chart this Year?

January 31, 2016

Now that there are endless smartphones begin for your attention, you may still be in the “not yet decided” boat. Well, that’s normal. Hardly have you spied the latest smartphone when you start anticipating another one. Now, if you are already a smartphone user just wanting to upgrade your experience, you may be torn between Google Android, Apple iOS, and Microsoft Windows. As we have seen from the trend that ended last year, more and more people are joining Android, and there is a reason...

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iOS 9.3 coming to the iPhone and iPad

January 27, 2016

Apple unveils iOS 9.3 After being relatively quiet for a couple of months, Apple once again is in the news with its recent unveiling of iOS 9.3. This latest update, said to be released in a couple of weeks, not only expands on existing features but also introduces new ones as well. Today, we take a look at the new features iOS 9.3 brings to the table. Night Shift Night Shift is a setting that changes the colors on the screen of your iPhone or iPad to help you sleep better at night. It gives...

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How vulnerable is your Android to viruses and cyber threats?

January 27, 2016

Do you know how vulnerable your Android is? How often do we find our laptops and computers vulnerable to viruses and threat attacks? You might not be using your favorite gadget long before you find it being attacked by a virus if you don’t have a virus protection program on it. Sadly, your smartphone is not much different from the laptop in that regard. Let’s look into how vulnerable your Android is. Malware in your Android? A study funded by Google and conducted by University of Cambridge ...

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7 Best smartphone Cameras of 2015

January 27, 2016

7 Best - We show them to you one by one What are you usually looking for in a smartphone when deciding what your next choice should be? It varies depending on the way you tend to use a gadget of course. Some pay particular attention to screen size and resolution, some care a lot for battery life and design/materials, others choose a new gadget according to its camera functions and settings. To be honest, a good camera in a smartphone really is in the top priority list. Here’s our research with...

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Samsung Galaxy Note 6 Rumors: The Specs, Price, Release Date, and Features

January 26, 2016

The Samsung Galaxy Note series have been well received by the Samsung fans, which is why they have been so popular. And the latest model, Note 6, is hopefully going to be another favorite for the diehard fans. Samsung has managed to bring us new designs and give us what we need over the years. The current rumor is pointing to a mid-2016 release of the Samsung galaxy. And we are hitching to know what the brand has in store for us. The Note 6 Specs The specs in the new release are the most im...

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